

DR OM IN DL (OE, OM, OK, S5, 9A, YO)


The Radio Club Sopron organize the 13rd International Ham Border Meeting / Ham Grenztreffen



Time of meeting: 2003. September 12-13-14.


Location: Sopron, Junior Camp of Brennbergvölgyi (Valley of Brennberg).

        Hams of 5 continents will take part in the meeting.


Program: HAM market ( 2003. Sept. 13. 08-18 MEZ.)


                 Tour round Lake Fertő (HA side). (2003. Sept. 14. 08,30 MEZ.)


There’s chance for dining and accommodation locally.

All ham and interested are welcome!!!



                                                                                     Kálmán HA1SO

                                                                                     chairman of club